- 1.1 The European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 will be played according to the IISHF Rules of the Game “Official Version 2014”.
- 1.2 All Players must wear the full and correct players equipment according to point 5.1 – 5.20 IISHF Rules of The Game.All Players must wear identical jerseys, but these may not be black/white or black/grey and must be worn completely outside of the pants. All players must wear identical helmets. All Players must completely wear either identical padded shorts and socks, or girdle/padded shorts covered with long trousers (except the goalkeepers). Each player in a team must wear an individual number 20 to 30 cm high on the back of the jersey and minimum 10 cm high on both sleeves, halfway between the shoulder and the elbow. The number must be an integer within 1 to 99 inclusive.Please be aware that failure of a team to play without matching equipment in contravention of point 5.20 IISHF Rules of the Game “players uniform” will result into IISHF disciplinary action. Any jewellery or metal objects attached to a player`s body must be removed where possible, if it is not possible to be removed it must be taped. All outfield players must wear a helmet with full face cage/visor, neck and throat protector and a shoulder and chest protector.
- 1.3 All players including goalkeepers must have all equipment checked before playing. One Kit Check will be carried out on each team before their first game of the tournament. Following this no further Kit Checks will be carried out. It is the players` responsibility to wear the correct equipment for each game; failure to comply will result in a Yellow Card (Misconduct) being awarded by the referees.
- 1.4 The maximum number of players that may be registered as members of a Team for any game is 18 (as listed in the Match Report). All teams must have a minimum of 8 players – these players must be kitted up and be on the players bench or on the pitch for the first game of the tournament (an exception is only possible if under proven force majeure where as Yellow/Red Card and/or Red Card and/or Black Card are not considered as force majeure).
- 1.5 Each team must have at least one Bench Official. All persons except players kitted up and listed on the Match Report will be deemed to be a Bench Official. Only players listed on the Match Report and a maximum of 5 Bench Officials (with a minimum age of 18 years) are allowed to be on the bench.
- 1.6 Team Managers are responsible for providing a valid playing pass/membership card (issued by the relevant National Member Association) or valid passport or valid National identity card of each player to the Technical Director prior to the start of the Managers Meeting (Remark: Without playing pass or membership card or passport or National identity card a player is not eligible).
Tournament Rules European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 Official IISHF Version 10-03-2014
- 1.7 At least 30 minutes before each game, a Team Official or the Captain of a team shall submit to the Technical Director or the Technical Director`s office a list of players who shall be eligible to play in that game indicating all shirt numbers. If no list is produced by a team before a game, the team list of the previous game will be taken as official list of all players for this game. If a player is taking part in a game although he/she is not listed on the game sheet (according to the before mentioned players list), a player is ineligible to play. Any team found to be playing an ineligible player will face disciplinary action as described under point 3.1 Tournament Rules.
- 1.8 Teams must not go onto the Pitch until they have permission from the Team Steward or Referee and until all members of the Teams competing in the previous game have completely left the Pitch Area.
- 1.9 According to the Official Time Schedule of 10.03.2014 the games No. 1-22, 27-29, 32, 33 will be played in continuous time (with running clock) with an interval of 2 minutes between periods. For these games only the last 2 minutes of each game will be played with stopped time and all Penalties and Cards shall be generally reduced by 50 %.
- 1.10 According to the Official Time Schedule of 10.03.2014 the quarterfinals (game No. 23- 26), the semifinals (game No. 30+31) and the final games for the third place (game No. 34) and for the first place (game No. 35) will be completely played with stopped time with an interval of 5 minutes between periods. For the games No. 23-26, 30-31, 34 all Penalties and Cards shall be generally reduced by 50 % whereas for the game No. 35 all Penalties and Cards are completely served.
- 1.11 Each team will be allowed one Time Out of 30 seconds in each period of each game.
- 1.12 In the first round, if there are 2 or more teams equal after all the games have been played, the places will be decided on the following:
- Head-to-head-results
- Goals difference of the head-to-head games
- Goals ‘for`of the head-to-head games
- Goals difference of all games
- Goals `for` of all games
- Total Penalty time of all games
- If both teams (in the case that only 2 teams are equal) are on the pitch, then apenalty shoot-out will take place; if not, a coin will be tossed to determine which team will take which place.
- 1.13 Ifa
Overtime is generally played with stopped time for the complete duration of the overtime – regardless of the clock operation mode decided for the regular playing time.
If both teams are still equal after extra time, then a penalty shoot-out will take place. - 1.14 In any game where in the opinion of the referee, the colours of the competing teams are so alike that there is a risk of a miscall by the referee, the away team or second named team on the match sheet (according to the Official Time Schedule of 10.03.2014) must change their shirts. Thus each team must bring two sets of shirts with different colours to the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014.
- 1.15 If because of unforeseen reasons there is a delay of more than 60 minutes during the final day (Sunday 18.05.2014), the Technical Director (after consultation with IISHF Presidium) is allowed to modify the Time Schedule of the remaining games by shortening the time periods.
2.1 There are 11 changing rooms (all within 20 Meters and of which 8 are mobile and 3 are fixed). The outside changing rooms are hosted by a guide from the hosting club who will
game needs to have a winner, then one period of 5 minutes extra time will be played.
Tournament Rules European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 Official IISHF Version 10-03-2014
lock the changing rooms after leaving. Same thing can be organized for the changing rooms in the playing hall. Please leave rooms clean, tidy and undamaged.
- 2.2 The host will take EUR 50,- as deposit for a locker key (of the changing room). In the case of damage to lockers and the changing room, the team will be liable to a claim for compensation. The key has to be returned to the Event Director for return of deposit after the changing rooms have been left in a proper way at the end of the tournament.
- 2.3 The address of the pitch is “Sportplatzstrasse 17, AT-6922 Wolfurt (Austria). The rink has a size of 20 x 40 meters and the pitch has a floor made of synthetic (PVC).
- 3.1 Each player is only eligible to play at the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 if he/she shall possess (produce) a valid playing pass/membership card (issued by the relevant National Member Association) which shows the players name, date of birth and photograph, and if the player is listed on the approved International Team Certificate (ITC). An individual player listed on the ITC can produce his/her passport or national identity card instead of his/her playing pass (membership card) to verify his/her identity. No copy, no fax and no other document shall replace a playing pass or a membership card or an original passport or national identity card. The relevant document (playing pass, membership card, passport or national identity card) must be produced by the Team Manager to the Technical Director at latest at the start of the Team Manager`s Meeting.The upper age limit for players participating at the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 is generally any male player born in 1999 (oldest) and is any female player born in 1998 (oldest). As exception participating teams may play any player who was part of the previous years squad if the male player is one year too old (born 1998) and/or the female player is two years too old (born 1997) – the relevant male player born in 1998 and/or female player born in 1997 must have been part of the previous year 2013 squad (only based on the written confirmation of each National Member Association from December 2013) and must still be registered in the year 2014 (as well at the date of the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 with the same Club taking part at the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014. If any player of the previous year 2013 squad has changed Club in the new season 2014 then he/she definitely cannot play at the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014. The lower age limit for participating players at the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 is any player born in 2004.
- 3.2 Any team found to be playing an illegal/ineligible player will face a fine imposed by the IISHF and the non–offending team shall win the game and gain 2 points. The score will be as follows: The non-offending team shall keep their score + 5 goals, while the offending team shall have a score of 0.
- 4.1 Each player and official listed on the ITC will be issued with a free entry pass. In case of loss a new entry pass will have to be bought from the host. In the case of any abuse the entry pass will be confiscated and additionally disciplinary action will be taken by IISHF.
- 4.2 Only players and team officials (as listed on the ITC) will be allowed into the ‘Players (Pitch) Area’. Access to the Pitch Area and to the Pitch is only allowed for the relevant players and officials (not for spectators).
- 4.3 Players must not play with balls or sticks anywhere in/around the Pitch or in the Changing Rooms or Kit-Check-Area. Teams must not take kit bags to the team benches or into the Pitch Area and Spectators Area. No (water) bottles are allowed on top of the goals.
- 4.4 Smoking and alcohol is not allowed within the hall in the Pitch Area and Spectators Area.
Tournament Rules European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 Official IISHF Version 10-03-2014
- 4.5 It is not allowed to take tins, cups, bottles, plates or other dishes made of heavy materials (e.g. glass, bone china of any kind, metal…) within the hall in the Spectator Area and Pitch Area.
- 4.6 Skates must not been worn outside the Playing Hall and Changing Rooms (except direct way to the Pitch). There is no access to the Spectator Area with skates. Skates need to be covered with white cotton (adhesive) tape that in case of dispute needs to be approved by the Technical Director.
- 4.7 Teams (incl. players and officials) and spectators must obey any Venue Rules and Tournament Rules. Failure to attend the Rules will result in IISHF Disciplinary Action.
- 4.8 The spectator (entry) fees are fixed as follows:
- Ticket for Saturday
- Ticket for Sunday
- Two Days Ticket
EUR 6,– for adults / EUR 3,– for children under 18 years EUR 6,– for adults / EUR 3,– for children under 18 years EUR 10,– for adults / EUR 5,– for children under 18 years
- 5.1 Any player who receives a Game Misconduct Penalty (Yellow and Red Card) during the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 is not allowed to take any further part in the remainder of the relevant game. He/she may then play again in the successive games of this event but will receive a fixed fine from the IISHF.
- 5.2 Any player who receives a Match Penalty (Red Card) during the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 will not be able to play in his/her next two games. After the two games suspension he/she may then play again in the successive games of this event but will receive a fixed fine from the IISHF.
- 5.3 Any player who receives a Gross Match Penalty (Black Card) during the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 will not be able to play again in this event. Any player receiving a Black Card cannot play again in following international matches on other international events until he/she has had a disciplinary hearing and until any fines have been completely paid and bans completely served.
- 5.4 A player having received either a Game Misconduct Penalty, a Match Penalty or a Gross Match Penalty is not allowed to be on the player’s bench, the spectator area (stands) or around the immediate vicinity of the pitch for that game. The player may stay in his changing room or anywhere in or around the venue as long as remains off the explicitly designated areas. This rule only applies for players having received one of the aforementioned penalties during the game in progress. These players (in cases of match penalties or gross match penalties) can be in the spectators area for the following games. They may not be on the player’s bench during the time of their suspension however – not even as bench officials.
- 5.5 During a title event a protest or application claiming ‘An Act of God’ can be handed over to the Technical Director together with cash payment of the protest fee of 200 Euros no later than sixty (60) minutes after the end of the relevant game. Each protest or application claiming ‘An Act of God’ must be accompanied by any relevant proof or evidence. The Technical Director (in coordination with the IISHF Presidium) will decide about any protest or application claiming ‘An Act of God’.
- 5.6 The IISHF Presidium has appointed a Technical Director (see point 8.3 Tournament Rules) who speaks English. The Technical Director has full jurisdiction over all Game Officials except decisions made by the referees during a game. The Technical Director has full authority, on matters relating to safety and game equipment.The host has appointed an Event Director (see point 8.2 Tournament Rules) who speaks English. The Event Director represents the host and takes over all responsibilities of the host. The Event Director has full responsibility and can take decisions on matters relating to the infrastructure and the venue.
Tournament Rules European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 Official IISHF Version 10-03-2014
For all other non technical matters, the Event Director must work closely together with the Technical Director. In the case of any problem/dispute, the Technical Director (in coordination with the IISHF Presidium) has the authority to make any final decision.
- 5.7 In the case that any point of these Tournament Rules is contradictory to IISHF Regulations and/or IISHF Rules of the Game, these Tournament Rules (with version of 10.03.2014) are binding and official for the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014.
- 5.8 The sport of inline-skaterhockey is subjected to actively battle doping, the use of any illegal substances and the abuse of alcohol. Therefore the current World Anti-Doping Code published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the WADA Prohibited List -valid from 01.01.2014 – as well as its related documents is an integral part of the “IISHF Regulations”. Thus all clubs/teams/players/officials taking part on the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 completely accept the mandatory articles and principles of the valid WADA code and regulations. Any player or Official must, if requested by IISHF or WADA (or NADA), submit to any form of doping control test at any time. Failure to do so will be taken as if a positive result has been obtained (doping violation) and will be dealt with accordingly.
- 5.9 Any player, team official or game official at the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 must, if requested by an IISHF official, submit to a drug test or an alcohol control test. Failure to do so will be taken as if a positive result has been obtained and will be dealt with accordingly. Any player, team official or game official at the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 who has obviously and evidently in the opinion of the referees and/or Technical Director, consumed alcohol or narcotic substances (incl. drugs)a) before or during a game
b) between the manager`s meeting and the team’s last game on Saturday 17.05.2014c) between the team’s first game and the presentation ceremony on Sunday 18.05.2014 will be banned from participating of the remainder of the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 and from further attending the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 by the Technical Director or the referees. Additional penalties will be imposed by the IISHF. - 5.10 Each Club taking part in the European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 must have liability insurance that protects against any property damages caused in or at the venue. The National Member Association of each Club taking part must control the validity of the liability insurance.
- 5.11 Non participation in a single game shall not be permitted and will result in penalties according to IISHF Regulations.
Teams incl. all players must be present at the Opening Ceremony (Friday 16th May 2014 at 17.00 o`clock) and stay until the end of the Opening Ceremony. After the Opening Ceremony a Skills Competition will take place where two selected players (decision by the team) will compete each other (fastest round, penalty shooting, best
shooter) – end of the Skills Competition is about 19:15
- 6.2 Teams incl. all players must be present at the Presentation Ceremony (Sunday 18th May 2014 after the end of the Final Game) and stay until the end of the Presentation Ceremony.
- 6.3 First Aid will be provided by qualified First Aid persons; should any further treatment be required, then an Ambulance will be called. Teams are advised to carry any necessary medical insurance that they may require. An (international) health insurance card is needed.
Tournament Rules European Cup U16 (Youth) 2014 Official IISHF Version 10-03-2014
There will be a Team Manager`s meeting held in the office rooms at the pitch on
Saturday 17th May 2014 at 07.30 o`clock (am)
. One English speaking Manager (Person) from each team must be present, but as maximum 2 persons per Team. Please
pay attention to point 1.6 Tournament Rules.
7.1 Failure to comply to the before mentioned points 1 – 6 Tournament Rules will result in IISHF disciplinary action according to IISHF Regulations and/or IISHF Rules of the Game.
- 8.1 The Organizer shall be the hosting club ”Inlinehockey Club Wolfurt Walkers, Mähdlestrasse 53a, AT-6922 Wolfurt (Austria)”. The website for this event shall be http://www.wolfurtwalkers.com.
- 8.2 The Event Director (according to article 22 IISHF Regulations) shall be Mr. Stefan OBERHAUSER (Tel. +43 664 8370292 / E-Mail: Stefan.oberhauser@wolfurtwalkers.com).
- 8.3 The Technical Director (according to article 23 IISHF Regulations) shall be Mr. Carsten ARNDT (Tel. +49 172 5682584 / E-Mail: arndt@ishd.de).
- 8.4 The Referee Supervisor (contrary to article 23 IISHF Regulations being responsible for scheduling, assessment and duties of all referees) shall be Mr. Daniel TASCHNER (Tel. +41 79 7257804 / E-Mail: dtaschner@iishf.com).
International Inline Skater Hockey Federation (IISHF) Approved and signed by the Presidium